Thursday, December 30, 2010

November Studio Blog

Every year in November the AES convention alternates between coasts to host the show. This year was the 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention in San Francisco.

Must have been the year end hustle, but this month was crazy busy. The week before leaving I had constant recording and mixing sessions at both studios right up until the minute I left. I was actually worried I might not make the trip.
Luckily my session at House of Blues Studios in Encino finished on time. I drove an hour east to Seahorse, packed my gear, said goodbye to Comet and Walter and drove to meet Dusty from Mojave Audio in Burbank. Its funny how driving seems much faster when making the trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. It is also a good buffer to wind down between cities.

I find much of the time that recording audio is on the better side of synchronicity. 

I saw this at a truck stop on the way. Thanks Chatter Telephone, I would have never remembered you.

We got to SF around 7pm and drove immediately to the Moscone Convention Center to sign in. The convention center was already a mad house. Actually, it's pretty entertaining to watch all the major pro audio companies in a pile of gear and cable trying to set up while jet lagged.

I ran out of there as soon as I could over a few blocks to my hotel room. Thinking I was incredibly late, I rushed and packed my equipment to play the first show of the trip. I was pretty stoked to find out the venue was only 2 blocks from my hotel on Market Street. Cool.

I did mostly drone sets, using 3 sound sources:

1) pencil sharpener
2) broken slide projector
3) modified record player w/ fork and metal disc

Thanks to Rent Romus, the other performers, and the audience for the kind words and hospitality. It's a really great sounding space and you should check it out if your stuck on Market street. They have something going on most nights.

The next day was the opening of the convention...

I have never been to one, but i always likened the AES convention to a similarly geeky convention...

This is a picture of a Star Trek Convention.... not too much different right?

I headed over to the Mojave Audio booth. Mojave Audio makes really wicked tube mics, all designed by microphone genius David Royer. I do a fair bit of beta testing and application reviews for new Mojave models, and since they sound awesome it's always a pleasure.

I spent the day answering questions about the microphones and sharing some of sound recordings and mixes that I used the mics on. Everyone really dug the sounds, but honestly those mics make it easy. Check them out, they aren't too expensive either considering how they sound.

That night I had a fun time over at KUSF 90.3fm with Dj Cactus, who is a total badass and just a nice dude. I did a short live set and talked a bit about few recordings coming out soon. Cactus also played some selections that highlight the field recordings, compositions and improvised ensemble work i've done this year with Conscious Summary. Thanks to Dj Cactus and Momo for being rad 24 hours a day.

setup for the radio show on Defeat Sleep

The last day of AES was a blast, which ended with some super spicy indian food and a rad show
in Oakland with my friends from Nerfbau. Check them out and what they have going on up there.
I felt really luck to see alot of missed friends up there. Also want to wish Lee Tusman well on his vision quest and thank him for the good company. He has a neat label (Jewish Noise) and is putting out a 7" comp featuring a Conscious Summary track.

oakland. november 2010.


The next day I drove back in time to prepare for DYSTROPHIC's cd release show with Murder Construct. The band got together and spent the night cutting, burning, stamping and assembling for the first run of our EP. Death Metal Martha Stewarts we are. Maybe less sweaty.



Here are a few random session pictures from this month at Seahorse Sound and House of Blues Studios in North Hollywood.

Angel and Steve from Condemned  -listening to some tracks before they leave for their tour in Switzerland. 

Kim and Rob from Her Majesty and the Whale, a side project of the Pussycat Dolls. 
Writing a new single

Nick from The Strokes laying down some percussion during a mix session at the HOB.

camera war with PAC DIV @ Paramount Studios, Hollywood

fun tracking session with Kirk Whalum (Whitney Houston, Bodyguard sax solo, Boyz in the Hood)
and Rob Chiarelli for artist Keiko Matsui.  Hidden in the back is Derek Nakamoto, a killer string arranger and producer. @ HOB

keeping it simple for Gucci Mane @ Serenity Sound in Hollywood.

Years almost over, make it good!

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